手动痛觉计 |
Manual algesimeter |
电动痛觉计 |
Powered algesimeter |
氩气分析仪 |
Argon gas analyzer |
动脉血取样工具箱 |
Arterial blood sampling kit |
心内血氧基血红素浓度分析仪 |
Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer |
心内血二氧化碳分压 (PCO2) 分析仪 |
Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer |
心内血氢离子浓度 (pH) 分析仪 |
Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer |
心内血氧分压 (PO2) 分析仪 |
Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer |
二氧化碳气体分析仪 |
Carbon dioxide gas analyzer |
一氧化碳气体分析仪 |
Carbon monoxide gas analyzer |
安氟醚气体分析仪 |
Enflurane gas analyzer |
气体收集容器 |
Gas collection vessel |
氟烷气体分析仪 |
Halothane gas analyzer |
氦气分析仪 |
Helium gas analyzer |
氖气分析仪 |
Neon gas analyzer |
氮气分析仪 |
Nitrogen gas analyzer |
一氧化二氮气体分析仪 |
Nitrous oxide gas analyzer |
氧气分析仪 |
Oxygen gas analyzer |
耗氧量计算机 |
Oxygen uptake computer |
压力体积描记器 |
Pressure plethysmograph |
容量描记器 |
Volume plethysmograph |
吸气呼吸道压力计 |
Inspiratory airway pressure meter |
鼻气流计 |
Rhinoanemometer |
诊断用肺活量计 |
Diagnostic spirometer |
监测用肺活量计 |
Monitoring spirometer |
肺活量测定用最大气流量计 |
Peak-flow meter for spirometry |
气体容积定标器 |
Gas volume calibrator |
肺功能数据计算器 |
Pulmonary-function data calculator |
预测用肺功能值计算器 |
Predictive pulmonary-function value calculator |
诊断用肺功能说明计算器 |
Diagnostic pulmonary-function interpretation calculator |
食道听诊器 |
Esophageal stethoscope |
电导体式食道听诊器 |
Esophageal stethoscope with electrical conductors |
听诊器头 |
Stethoscope head |
转换阀 |
Switching valve (ploss) |
水蒸气分析仪 |
Water vapor analyzer |
超声空气栓子监测器 |
Ultrasonic air embolism monitor |
波登表流量计 |
Bourdon gauge flowmeter |
非补偿式thorpe管流量计 |
Uncompensated thorpe tube flowmeter |
补偿式thorpe管流量计 |
Compensated thorpe tube flowmeter |
气体校准流量计 |
Gas calibration flowmeter |
呼吸频率监测器 |
Breathing frequency monitor |
呼吸暂停监测器 |
Apnea monitor |
氧化氮分析仪 |
Nitric oxide analyzer |
二氧化氮分析仪 |
Nitrogen dioxide analyzer |
肺水监测器 |
Lung water monitor |
皮肤二氧化碳 (PcCO2) 监测器 |
Cutaneous carbon dioxide (PcCO2) monitor |
皮肤氧气 (PcO2) 监测器 |
Cutaneous oxygen (PcO2) monitor |
呼吸流速计 |
Pneumotachometer |
呼吸道压力监测器 |
Airway pressure monitor |
气体压力计 |
Gas pressure gauge |
气体压力定标器 |
Gas pressure calibrator |
压力调节器 |
Pressure regulator |
末梢神经电动刺激仪 |
Electrical peripheral nerve stimulator |
压差传感器 |
Differential pressure transducer |
气流传感器 |
Gas flow transducer |
气压传感器 |
Gas pressure transducer |
气管/支气管差异性换气管 |
Tracheal/bronchial differential ventilation tube |
充气式气管套管袖带 |
Inflatable tracheal tube cuff |
袖带涂铺器 |
Cuff spreader |
气管套管固定装置 |
Tracheal tube fixation device |
套管导入镊子 |
Tube introduction forceps |
气管套管探针 |
Tracheal tube stylet |
气管套管清洁刷 |
Tracheal tube cleaning brush |
气管切开插管和套管袖带 |
Tracheostomy tube and tube cuff |
导气管连接器 |
Airway connector |
牙齿保护器 |
Dental protector |
自体输血装置 |
Autotransfusion apparatus |
压力管道系统和附件 |
Pressure tubing and accessories |
非再呼吸阀 |
Nonrebreathing valve |
麻醉剂蒸发器 |
Anesthetic vaporizer |
连续式呼吸器 |
Continuous ventilator |