误译:The tourist rumbled in the streets of Beijing.
正译:The tourist rambled in the streets of Beijing.
解释:to rumble 和to ramble 只有一个字母之差,可是意思大不相同。to rumble的意思是 to move slowly and heavily, making a rumbling sound,即“笨重的车辆轰隆地缓慢行进”。to ramble 的意思是to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside,即“(尤指人在乡间)漫游”。ramble也可以当名词用。如:我们在树林中漫游。We went for a ramble through the woods.
“漫游”的第一个意思指“人随意游览”。英语除了to ramble以外,还可以译为 to roam, to wander。例如:这个年青作家漫游世界找寻灵感。The young writer roamed the world in search of inspiration.
“漫游”的第二个意思指“鱼随意在水中游动,或动物随意在地面走动”。英语可以译为 to roam。例如:大象通常允许在这个印度城市漫游。The elephant is usually allowed to roam in this Indian city.
“漫游”的第三个意思指手机离开注册的服务区到另一个区域后,通过网络进行通信联络的功能。英语可以译为 roaming call。例如:有时候我利用手机漫游,但是贵得吓死人。Sometimes I made a roaming call but it was outrageously expensive.
“(手机)漫游费”可以译为roaming fee, roaming charge。例如:高昂的漫游费已经引起中国消费者的抱怨。High roaming fees have drawn complaints from Chinese consumers.