
Councils across England are forecasting a surge in the divorce rate next month as couples succumb to the multiple pressures of Christmas, mortgage arrears and recession, the Local Government Association said last night.


Nearly a fifth (17 percent) of local authorities have reported higher demand for relationship counselling since the economic downturn took hold.


The problem is particularly pronounced in London--which is heavily reliant on the struggling
financial services sector. A quarter of boroughs in the capital have experienced a rise.


The figures emerged in a survey by the Local Government Association (LGA), which represents
more than 400 councils across England and Wales.


Amid rising unemployment and house repossessions over recent months, 93 percent of councils said they had been providing more debt advice, and half highlighted extra demand for jobs counselling.


The LGA said factors such as the stress of Christmas meant divorce proceedings often leapt by 50 per cent in January, and there could be "even more" splits this year.


"The January divorce season could be worse than ever this year," said the LGA. The survey
found 69% of councils reported an increase in demand for housing advice as a result of the
economic downturn and 50% said voluntary organisations were dealing with more requests for

employment advice.
LGA说:“今年的1月离婚季可能比以往更糟。” 调查发现69%的地方政府都表示,要求有关住房问题的资料的人数有所增加。50%说,志愿组织面对更多就业咨询。
It asked 155 council chief executives about the impact of the economic downturn on voluntary
organisations that receive funding from the municipal budget.

One in 10 councils has been asked to give emergency grants to charities and voluntary
organisations, which are in trouble because of the economic slowdown.

Chairman Margaret Eaton said: "These figures demonstrate the effects the credit crunch and
the recession are having on families across the country.


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